How to Double Your Money in 15 Months By Using Events And Ignoring the Market Pundits

Why Was PWR Stock Up 100 percent?

What?  From January 2023 to April 2024, PWR stock rose 100 percent.

Who? Quanta Services, Inc (PWR). designs, installs, upgrades, repairs, and maintains electric power transmission and distribution infrastructure. It also offers emergency restoration services, including the repair of infrastructure damaged by inclement weather. As climate change continues to make storms stronger and more frequent, Quanta is relied upon for fixing problems and expanding the utility grid.

Why?  Power initiated a 17% increase in its dividend in January 2023. The stock rose 3% that day on the news, and another 15% over the next few months. At the end of the year, the increased the dividend by double digits again, sending the stock on a +20% run over the next several months. In the coming months, they authorized a stock buyback and a 3rd dividend increase. The sum of these return of capital events continued catalyzing the stock to double, and end May 130% higher.

Takeaway Lesson - Using LevelFields as a research tool for finding longer term swing trades or long-term holding is very effective. Sequential return of capital events paired with strong financials are a powerful indicator of share price growth. It's important to note that while each event had day trading gains, for these types of events, the gains are much larger over time.

Note the swing in performance of the stock was caused by market narratives seeded by pundits and billionaires looking to manipulate the market for their own benefit. Sticking to just the events will bring you far greater returns than listening to the noise.


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