SMCI Stock Crash Was Very Predictable

Super Micro's stock drops 22% after short seller attack; AI alerts highlight the bearish signal.

Shares of server maker Super Micro Computer (SMCI) plummeted -22% in two days, following a short seller attack that took down many others before them. 

LevelFields' AI alert went out a few minutes after the scalding rebuke of SMCI's accounting practices rocked the stock.

How could you use AI stock alerts to find this bearish signal?

The Short Seller Scenario identifies these types of downside risks. On average, these reports have caused a -17% drop in the stock in the first day or two, following by a slow, painful bleed over the latter months as lawsuits and government investigations pile up. 

This can be seen in the scenario's table view, which shows the average price reaction over the following weeks and months.

How do you use AI to trade stocks using short seller events?

The best way is by buying stock option puts on the stock. Some of these puts increased 1,000% in value in just a day as shown below. It's also possible to short the stock, which involves borrowing shares and then replacing them at a lower cost via a margin account.


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